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Open Contacts



If you experience problems using Open Contacts or if you have a question regarding its use, you may send Email to Fonlow IT at the following E-mail address:

Please write your questions, comments, requests, and suggestions in details. For example, you may make the subject look like "Open Contacts v3.2.0.183 Questions"  and describe in details. Please do not make your Email subject and content look like spam mail.



Open Contacts was specifically designed for people who need managing contact info of both individuals and organizations.

Q: How can I backup the address book file

A: The address book file is "default.gdb" in the "Data" folder of the program folder by default. Run the Backup command from the Tools menu, you will be prompted with a Save dialog to define a backup file to save. Generally, you should keep the backup of your address book on a external storage such as CD-R, potable harddrive or another computer.

To restore, run the Restore command. You will use the saved backup file to replace current address book file.

Alternatively, you may simply make a copy of "default.gdb" after closing Open Contacts.

Q: I would normally store all my data files in "My Documents", so I can easily backup the whole folder. I see Open Contacts always load the address book file "default.gdb" in the Data folder under the program folder. For some reason, I don't want to install Open Contacts under "My Documents", can you provide a solution?

A: When you look at the program folder, you will find a file named "main.ini". Open it with Notepad, you will see an item "Database=default.gdb". After you change it into "Database=c:\My Documents\Somewhere\default.gdb" and re-launch the program, the program will locate the file under "c:\My Documents\Somewhere\".

Alternatively, you may go to the Options window to change the location of the database file.

Q: May I store both the Open Contracts program and the address book file in a USB memory drive and run the program on the USB memory drive directly?

A: Yes, you can, if you feel comfortable with the speed and reliability of your USB memory drive. And do remember to make backup of your address book file regularly. Please refer to a simple guide of using Open Contacts on external storages.

Q: May I share the database file with staffs in the same office?

A: Yes, you can. However, you need to install the database file on a machine  where an instance of Firebird database server is running. For more details, please read the data sharing guide. In addition, you may try Open Contacts Pro which is by default for LAN/office environment.

Q: We would like to install Open Contacts application in order to use it in the office. Could you, please, let me know how many contacts (records) we can add to be sure the application is still working properly?

A: We had built a database with 30,000 contacts, each of which has many data fields, and the size of the database was around 260 MB. The whole program still performed well. As the program will use a real database server in LAN, so you won't need to worry about heavy speed lost as you could suffer with a file base database.

Q: I see you provide support for Skype, can you provide support for MSN as well? So I will be able to select a Email address and launch a message window.

A: With Windows Messenger 4.7 and lower, Microsoft provided API for other Windows programs to interact. However, with higher versions of Windows Messenger and all version of MSN Messenger, Microsoft did not provide such API. Eventually, the way of interacting with MSN Messenger was blocked.

Q: I want to attach photo to some of my friends, can you support this feature?

A: This feature is there. Just simply add an Image field, and paste the file path of the photo. When you highlight the field and click the button, the default image viewer will be launch to view the photo.